Stupid BYU Hawaii.
This time, being more prepared, my social life isn't suffering as much...
I just want to express my gratitude and love for this lady.
A strength to me during hard times. Always the voice of reason when I'm pissy. Knows exactly how to cheer me up. Keeps me positive. Deals with so much shi and can still stand strong for me. Understands me on a level deeper than anyone knows. Fights with me like a married couple, yet we've only had one real fight--it lasted probably 20 minutes. Has the exact same taste as me with tons of stuff except for the things that would ruin our friendship aka boys. Is one of the most beautiful people I've ever known. Is a joy to be around. Lifts everyone up rather than putting us down. Is hardly critical, if she is, it's in a joking sarcastic way. Reminds me who I am and want to be. Is the bestest friend I could ask for.
Missing you always, and love you to death and eternity.
P.S. I'm glad I got to teach you how to do make-up before you left ;)
Julia is truly an awesome young lady.
I concur, and Julia, when you read this, We miss you around here, and are so happy for all your fun new adventures you are having! You and bethany are two peas in a pod; I hope that I will be treated to watching your life continue to unfold - I am glad you and Bethany are best friends! She couldn't have picked better.
Like attracts like!
Amen, sistah, girl
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